Quantum Technologies, Material Science & Photonics
QMP Seminars
Febrero 21, 2025
In this talk I will explore recent advancements in addressing these challenges, with a focus on distributed quantum sensing. We will demonstrate how this approach can overcome the shot-noise limit for estimating arbitrary linear combinations of multiple phase shifts, provided that the non-classical probe state exhibits anti-squeezed quadrature variance. Furthermore, we compare the sensitivity bounds of this protocol to those achievable with d independent Mach-Zehnder interferometers, each probed with a non-classical state and a coherent state. Our findings reveal that while independent interferometers can match the sensitivity of the entangled protocol, they require d non-classical states instead of a single one, highlighting the resource efficiency of the entangled strategy. Acknowledgements: This work has been partially supported by the NQSTI
University of Valencia Science Park Room: TBA
Augusto Smerzi
Professor National Institute of Optics, National Research Council (INO-CNR) and European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence, Italy
Noviembre 26
Samyobrata Mukherjee
Postdoctoral researcher at ICFO
Diciembre 10
Isaac Suárez
Enero 21
David Rivas
Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology Physics, University of Oslo
Febrero 11
Carmen G. Almudéver
Computer Engineering Department of the Technical University of Valencia
Marzo 9
Prof. Tomasz Sowinski
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Abril 13
Here we will show our first calculations in which we are able to resolve the electron dynamics around the Dirac points of graphene by using x-ray attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy.
Antonio Picón Álvarez
Universidad Autónoma Madrid
Mayo 4
We will discuss the dynamics of classical and quantum many-body systems in the presence of constraints. This is understood in a really broad sense of the term, ranging from lattice gauge theories, over fractonic systems to general spatially-modulated symmetries.
Pablo Sala
Technical University of Munich
Febrero 2
In this talk, we will review the science behind anti-resonant fibre technology and discuss two recent examples of its multiple applications.
David Novoa
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Febrero 17
The critical current of a superconductor can depend on the direction of current flow due to magnetochiral anisotropy when both inversion and time-reversal symmetry are broken, an effect known as the superconducting (SC) diode effect.
Prof. Dr. Jelena Klinovaja
Deputy Co-Director of the NCCR SPIN
Marzo 3
15:00 - 17:00
La luz comprimida en amplitud es un tipo de luz cuántica en la que una de las cuadraturas tiene fluctuaciones menores que el vacío. Se trata de un recurso esencial tanto en metrología cuántica como en información cuántica.
Prof. Eugenio Roldán
Catedrático de Óptica
Abril 27
11:00 am
We numerically examine the transition from integrability to chaos when the inter-component interaction changes from weak to strong.
Tai Tran Duong Anh
PhD Student
Mayo 19
In this talk, we are going to review our contributions to this field, with focus on SAW-driven photonic devices. Finally, we will discuss our recent contribution on the manipulation of single photons generated on a chip by SAWs.
Mauricio Morais de Lima Marqués
Associate Professor
Junio 2
We will compare the master equation predictions against individual realizations with reference to a paradigmatic light-matter interaction formulation, the Jaynes- Cummings (JC) model.
Themis Mavrogordatos
Severo Ochoa Excellence Fellow
Julio 7
In this talk, I will present how machine learning (ML) can enhance the quantum properties of Integrated photonic waveguides, photonic resonators, and single-photon emitters, specifically the indistinguishability (I) of the generated single photons, with a further decrease in quantum decoherence.
Pablo Aitor Postigo
Professor of Optics
Noviembre 8
9:30 am
In this talk, I will report on acoustically driven spin transitions between the spin sublevels of silicon vacancy centers in SiC.
Alberto Hernández Mínguez
Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik. Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., Germany
Diciembre 13
11:00 am
José Bernabéu Alberola
Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Valencia. Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Science.
Febrero 2
10:00 am
Carlos Antón Solanas
Dep. Física de Materiales, INC, IFIMAC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Marzo 1
11:00 am
All fundamental particles have one of two forms of particle statistics: fermions or bosons. However, indistinguishable particles with exchange statistics intermediate between fermions and bosons can exist when particles are constrained to one or two dimensions.
Nathan Harshman
Department of Physics, American University, Washington, DC, USA
Mayo 3
11:00 am
Superconductivity, being a quantum phenomenon, manifests as the absence of electrical resistance when current flows, leading to significant macroscopic effects.
Rosa Córdoba
RyC Fellow at ICMOL Institute, University of Valencia
Junio 21
Optical vortex rings are loop-like structures with a rotational flow of energy around the nodal lines. We construct a model, which consists of the interference of the Gaussian beam and a 3D plane wave, that generates vortex rings
Zhamila Kulchukova
Department of Physics, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Julio 2
11:00 am
A diferencia del mundo físico, en los entornos digitales, la identidad y la presencia humanas pueden replicarse en las pantallas en forma de variadas representaciones de base digital. Cada persona del mundo físico puede desplegar múltiples representaciones de su identidad en el mundo digital y sus 'metaversos'.
Adolfo Plasencia
Science writer and journalist
Septiembre 13
10:00 am
The incorporation of metals into devices has taken integrated optics into the nanoscale but a the cost of having to deal with large power losses.After a brief presentation of the concept, interest and some examples of plasmonic systems, as well as a discussion of the pros and cons respect to conventional devices based on dielectrics, a description of basic integrated plasmonic devices as waveguides and couplers will be reviewed
José Ramón Salgueiro
Full professor at the University of Vigo
Octubre 18
Snezana Lazic
Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics of Materials, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Febrero 5
Optical frequency combs in microresonators and associated dissipative solitons provide a compact, broadband, and low-noise light source and frequency measurement tool with consequences ranging from research to industry. While Kerr combs and dissipative Kerr solitons have attracted significant attention over the last decade, advances in integrated photonic platforms using materials with second-order nonlinearity have stimulated recent interest in dissipative quadratic solitons. Quadratic solitons engage researchers with rich physics and allow the generation of low-noise frequency combs in spectral regions that are otherwise difficult to access. In this talk I will discuss different kinds of combs and dissipative quadratic solitons, the experimental platforms that support their formation, and cover the underpinning physics and mathematical models. I will also summarise the new applications that these solitons offer.
Dmitry Skryabin
Febrero 21
In this talk I will explore recent advancements in addressing these challenges, with a focus on distributed quantum sensing. We will demonstrate how this approach can overcome the shot-noise limit for estimating arbitrary linear combinations of multiple phase shifts, provided that the non-classical probe state exhibits anti-squeezed quadrature variance. Furthermore, we compare the sensitivity bounds of this protocol to those achievable with d independent Mach-Zehnder interferometers, each probed with a non-classical state and a coherent state. Our findings reveal that while independent interferometers can match the sensitivity of the entangled protocol, they require d non-classical states instead of a single one, highlighting the resource efficiency of the entangled strategy. Acknowledgements: This work has been partially supported by the NQSTI
Augusto Smerzi
Professor National Institute of Optics, National Research Council (INO-CNR) and European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence, Italy
Enero 31, 2025
Septiembre 13, 2023
Junio 14, 2023
Abril 28, 2023
Abril 27, 2023
Nature Electronics
Marzo 2, 2023