The European Commission has invested intensely in the development of quantum technologies since last year 2018, with the launch of a specific research program. This initiative aims to carry out significant transformations both from the industrial and scientific point of view, which can be inserted into the social context. The synthesis and proposal of new materials with quantum behavior, together with the proposal of new technologies that allow controlling and manipulating entangled and superposition states, opens a new phase in the implementation of quantum technologies. The document “Quantum Manifesto. A new era of technology” defines this stage of research and technological consolidation as a second quantum revolution, or “Quantum 2.0”.
The project “Bidimensional Polaritonics with multicore fibers (PerovsQuTe)”, forms part of the Advanced Materials program and was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Generalitat Valenciana. PerovsQute is formulated as a collaboration between national and international reference groups in the optical characterization of semiconductors, the synthesis of perovskites, as well as the analysis and theoretical modeling of nonlinear and quantum optical effects. The use of multicore fibers for the development of open cavities represents a novelty that has not been exploited by the international scientific community. The ability to selectively excite each of the fiber nuclei, associated with one of the cavities that make up the 2D matrix, allows for dynamic, geometric, and topological studies of the phases of polaritons in regimes of quasi-thermodynamic equilibrium (driven-dissipative). Confirmation of the viability of this typology of 2D polaritonic matrix would open up new lines of research to develop more complex architectures inscribed in multicore optical fiber that allow us to think of new platforms for simulation, computing, and quantum sensing with light, through the definition and formation of light patterns.
The project, of a markedly interdisciplinary nature, involves both the basic and theoretical research sectors, as well as experimental and applied research, with a commitment to highlight both science of international excellence, a commitment to the development of productive technologies, as well as an effort to develop a more up-to-date, communicated and collaborative educational context. These objectives are supported in the context of close collaboration between two universities belonging to the VLC-Campus of Excellence (Universitat de València & Universitat Politècnica de València), under three main lines of action: a first line of theoretical and fundamental collaboration, a second line of instrumental development and experimental implantation, and, finally, as a third line of action an inter-university collaboration in the educational field is included (UV/UPV QMP Seminars & LASER Valencia).