Marzo 1, 2024

11:00 am

Anyons and Topology in One-Dimensional Ultracold Gases

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Marzo 1, 2024

11:00 am



University of Valencia Science Park Seminar Room SS6

All fundamental particles have one of two forms of particle statistics: fermions or bosons. However, indistinguishable particles with exchange statistics intermediate between fermions and bosons can exist when particles are constrained to one or two dimensions. Such particles are called anyons, and they arise because the topology of configuration space for interacting particles in low dimensions need not be simply connected. The possibility for anyon statistics in two dimensions has been verified by experiment: quasiparticle excitations carrying anyonic fractional exchange statistics were directly measured in the fractional quantum Hall effect in 2020. Now experimentalists are trying to simulate anyons with ultracold interacting bosonic atoms in one dimension, and this talk gives an overview of the kinds of phenomena that are possible for one-dimensional anyons.

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Marzo 1, 2024

11:00 am

Anyons and Topology in One-Dimensional Ultracold Gases

University of Valencia Science Park Seminar Room SS6

Nathan Harshman

Department of Physics, American University, Washington, DC, USA

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