Noviembre 26, 2021

Bound States in the Continuum in Anisotropic Planar Structures

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Noviembre 26, 2021



Seminar room, Parque Científico de la Universitat de València

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Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are radiationless modes embedded in the part of the spectrum associated with radiating modes. BICs are a general wave phenomenon and occur in quantum, acoustic and photonic systems. Among other photonic systems, anisotropic planar waveguides can support full-vector, hybrid BICs. We use the leaky mode formalism to study these structures and the anisotropy-induced BICs they support. I will introduce the concept of anisotropy-induced BICs and describe their properties in different geometries. The properties of the BIC modes allow us to define anisotropy-symmetry regimes. I shall then describe how the mechanism underlying anisotropy-induced BICs can be used to control the radiation from leaky modes in these geometries and obtain perfectly unidirectional radiation via unidirectional guided resonances. Finally, I will relate anisotropy-induced BICs to D’yakonov surface waves via the existence of surface BIC modes at an interface between two anisotropic materials with opposite birefringence.

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Noviembre 26, 2021

Bound States in the Continuum in Anisotropic Planar Structures

Seminar room, Parque Científico de la Universitat de València

Samyobrata Mukherjee

Postdoctoral researcher at ICFO

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