Mayo 3, 2024

11:00 am

Breaking Boundaries: Superconductivity in 3D Nanostructures for Quantum Technologies

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Mayo 3, 2024

11:00 am



UV Science Park Conference Hall (First floor ICMOL building)

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Superconductivity, being a quantum phenomenon, manifests as the absence of electrical resistance when current flows, leading to significant macroscopic effects. Investigating this phenomenon within the framework of 3D nanoarchitectures represents a compelling avenue of exploration, owing to the intricate physical phenomena engendered by their geometries and topologies. The application of superconductivity in 3D holds promise for advancements in electromagnetic field sensing and information technology. Despite being in its early stages, the field awaits experimental evidence of various theoretical predictions. Following an introduction to this topical area, we expound upon experimental methodologies for fabricating 3D nanostructures and examine seminal findings concerning the interaction of superconducting vortices and phase slips in the superconducting order parameter within such structures.

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Mayo 3, 2024

11:00 am

Breaking Boundaries: Superconductivity in 3D Nanostructures for Quantum Technologies

UV Science Park Conference Hall (First floor ICMOL building)

Rosa Córdoba

RyC Fellow at ICMOL Institute, University of Valencia

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