Febrero 5, 2025


Dissipative solitons and frequency combs in microresonators with second-order nonlinearity

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Febrero 5, 2025




University of Valencia Science Park Seminar Room SS6

Optical frequency combs in microresonators and associated dissipative solitons provide a compact, broadband, and low-noise light source and frequency measurement tool with consequences ranging from research to industry. While Kerr combs and dissipative Kerr solitons have attracted significant attention over the last decade, advances in integrated photonic platforms using materials with second-order nonlinearity have stimulated recent interest in dissipative quadratic solitons. Quadratic solitons engage researchers with rich physics and allow the generation of low-noise frequency combs in spectral regions that are otherwise difficult to access. In this talk I will discuss different kinds of combs and dissipative quadratic solitons, the experimental platforms that support their formation, and cover the underpinning physics and mathematical models. I will also summarise the new applications that these solitons offer.

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Febrero 5, 2025


Dissipative solitons and frequency combs in microresonators with second-order nonlinearity

University of Valencia Science Park Seminar Room SS6

Dmitry Skryabin

Professor of Physics at the University of Bath, UK

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