Febrero 2, 2023

Mastering light with gas and glass

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Febrero 2, 2023



Seminar room, Parque Científico de la Universitat de València

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Last year we commemorated the advent of a technology that radically changed our society worldwide, enabling previously unthinkable ways of keeping us connected: The optical fibre. Apart from the standard solid-core fibres that, among a myriad of applications, bring us high-speed internet, other specialty optical fibres with intricate transverse micro-structures have revolutionized many scientific fields such as bio-medicine, metrology, spectroscopy and materials science. Hollow anti-resonant fibres filled with gases, in particular, stand out owing to their reconfigurable linear and nonlinear optical properties, excellent guidance over broad bandwidths and high damage threshold.

In this talk, we will review the science behind anti-resonant fibre technology and discuss two recent examples of its multiple applications: The realization of a table-top source of ultrafast light waveforms with tunable spectrum spanning from the ultraviolet to the terahertz and synchrotron-level brightness and the demonstration of quantum frequency conversion of single photons with high efficiency using synchronized molecular motion.

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Febrero 2, 2023

Mastering light with gas and glass

Seminar room, Parque Científico de la Universitat de València

David Novoa

Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

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