Mayo 19, 2023
Mayo 19, 2023
Seminar room (SS6) – ICMUV
Mauricio Morais de Lima Marqués
Associate Professor
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Dr. Mauricio Morais de Lima Marqués is Associate Professor at University of Valencia. He has been working on the field of modulation of nanostructures by SAWs for photonic applications for more than 20 years. Among the tents of papers published in this particular field one could highlight the review article entitled “Modulation of photonic structures by surface acoustic waves” cited more than 150 times; the seminal paper “Phonon-induced polariton superlattices” on the modulation of cavity polaritons by SAWs; or the very recent article “On-chip generation and dynamic piezo-optomechanical rotation of single photons” published in Nature Communications. He also has coordinated the training program of the International Training Network SAWtrain with 15 PhD students, funded by the European Commission, involving 10 of the most relevant European groups working in the field of SAWs. He has been PI of national and bilateral projects as well as local coordinator of European projects. He has supervised the PhD thesis of 5 students, from which 4 were in the field of SAW modulation.
After the pioneer work by Brillouin more than 100 years ago, the modulation of light by acoustic waves has been employed in a multitude of devices such as optical deflectors, amplitude modulators, or frequency shifters. Nowadays, there is a large interest in novel approaches based on the interaction of the acoustic and electric fields associated with a surface acoustic wave (SAW) on a piezoelectric substrate with materials excitations, including single electrons, excitons, microcavity polaritons, or single photons. In this talk, we are going to review our contributions to this field [1,2], with focus on SAW-driven photonic devices. Finally, we will discuss our recent contribution on the manipulation of single photons generated on a chip by SAWs [3].
[1] M. M. de Lima and P. V. Santos, “Modulation of photonic structures by surface acoustic waves”, Reports on Progress in Physics 68, 1639 – 1701 (2005).
[2] A.C. Poveda et al. “Semiconductor optical waveguide devices modulated by surface acoustic waves”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 253001 (2019).
[3] D. D. Bühler et al. “On-chip generation and dynamic piezo-optomechanical rotation of single photons”, Nature Communications 13, 6998 (2022).
Mayo 19, 2023
Seminar room (SS6) – ICMUV
Mauricio Morais de Lima Marqués
Associate Professor
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