QUANTUM PANORAMA: Art, Sciencie & Technology in a superposition state

Septiembre 13, 2023

LASER Talks Valencia: <QUANTUM PANORAMA>: Art, Sciencie & Technology in a superposition state


Leonardo/ISAST LASER Talks is a program of international gatherings that bring artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together for informal presentations, performances and conversations with the wider public. The mission of LASER is to encourage contribution to the cultural environment of a region by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and opportunities for community building to over 50 cities and 5 continents worldwide.



When: Friday 22th September, 6pm CET

Where: Las Naves. Centro de innovación social y urbana.
C/ de Joan Verdeguer, 16, 46024 València, Spain

Language: Spanish



The development of quantum mechanics during the first half of the 20th century consolidates a series of technologies of high social and geopolitical value, such as military and civil nuclear energy, the huge semiconductor industry or the discovery of the laser. Along with this first revolution, quantum mechanics challenged many of the conceptual imaginaries that until then had been taken for granted, by studying the new characteristics of matter from its simple constituents: atoms, photons, electrons, … John Bell’s famous article published in 1964 meant a new scientific breakthrough, which gave rise to new types of experiments and technologies that made use of these quantum concepts applied to individual physical systems. This is what came to be called the second quantum revolution, or quantum technologies 2.0. In this new LASER-Valencia activity, in collaboration with the VOLUMENs festival, we will address the characteristics of this new scientific-technological revolution through a meeting between scientific and artistic disciplines. We will review the basic vocabulary, the fundamental effects, as well as some of the social, political and critical implications arising from the implementation of this new phase «Quantum 2.0» in the scientific, technological, cultural and social context of our time.


MODERATED BY: Guillermo Muñoz Matutano (Universitat de València)



– Miguel Angel García March. ‘Theory of atomic condensates’ Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y Aplicada. Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.
– Anabel Ovide González. ‘Algorithms for quantum computing’. Parallel Arquitecture Group. Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.
– Alejandro Gaita Ariño. ‘Quantum computing and molecular magnetism’. Instituto de Ciencia Molecular. Universitat de València.
– Lauren Moffatt. ‘Immersive environments and experimental narrative practices’. 


Performance VR + Sound improvisation  «Of Hybrids and Strings» by Lauren Moffatt (VR-Visuals) + Ruben García (Live Sound improvisation)


Link to the recorded video.


Photo Credit: Moisés Mañas

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